How Genetic Testing Can Help You Overcome Running Plateaus?

All athletes undergo rigorous training regimes that may require reinvention after a certain point. Even the most gifted of track athletes are likely to experience running plateaus. Usually, a change in routine or a break helps the athlete overcome the plateau. However, there are occasions when trained athletes experience stagnation at a certain level of performance, despite incorporating frequent changes to their diet or exercise plan.

Genetic testing is an increasingly reliable method that offers tailor-made solutions for athletes to appropriately test their limits. Tools like GENEFIT provide athletes with knowledge regarding their genetic predisposition, appropriate training levels, and the necessary diet changes that can be incorporated to improve performance in a specific area.

Let us explore how athletics can benefit from genetic testing to break the barriers of running plateaus.

Running Plateaus: A Brief Note

Running plateaus manifest when an athlete is no longer experiencing an increase in their everyday performance, irrespective of any consistent efforts that are being made.

A plateau can be distressing and damaging to a personal mindset. Often, talented athletes begin experiencing self-doubt due to running plateaus. There are several causes of plateaus, including overtraining, improper nourishment, and lack of rest.

Genetic Factors and Performance: Clarifying the Relationship

Genetics determine how an athlete’s body responds to stress, recovers, and adapts to training. Genetic testing helps athletes pinpoint certain genetic markers that indicate their strengths and potential limitations at a physiological level. Awareness of these genetic markers enables specific changes in training and lifestyle that facilitate performance and recovery.

How Does Genetic Testing Work?

The common genetic test for athletes involves taking a DNA sample from the athlete and delivering it to a laboratory. After conducting the appropriate tests, the athlete is sent a detailed report on their genetic composition. Athletes may understand their genetic tendencies regarding muscle growth, metabolism, recovery, and inclination toward certain injuries. This information can be employed in the development of specific training and dieting schedules.

Many apps in the market offer genetic testing services. Our personal favorite is GENEFIT, which combines genetic testing with tailored workout regimens for athletes. The DNA-customized workouts and other suggestions on the app help you train optimally.

Advantages of Genetic Testing for Runners

  1. Customized Training Programs: Genetic testing makes it possible to develop training programs that are tailored to suit each athlete, depending on their genetic makeup. For instance, if an athlete possesses a relatively larger proportion of type II muscle fibers, they stand to gain more from high-intensity interval training (HIIT) than from marathon running.
  2. Optimized Nutrition Plans: Genetic testing can determine how the athlete’s body will respond to a particular nutrient. This information assists in creating a diet plan that will enhance the athlete’s performance and facilitate quick recovery.

While some athletes are genetically predisposed to respond well to high-fat content, others may achieve better results on carbohydrate-based diets. These nutritional adjustments can be planned with the help of detailed genetic analysis from various services like GENEFIT.

  1. Improved Recovery Strategies: Knowledge of the genetic tendencies of an athlete can help in creating recovery profiles. For instance, if an athlete has a slow rate of recovery, they may require more rest days and supplementary recovery tools like massage or improved sleeping patterns. Genetic testing services are helpful in offering the necessary data to plan effective recovery strategies.
  2. Injury Prevention: Some tests identify specific genes that may make an individual more prone to injuries like fractures. Armed with this vital information, athletes may be able to change their training practices and implement precautionary measures in order to avoid sustaining an injury.

Applying the Genetic Findings to Training

Athletes should incorporate genetic testing results into their training regime to optimize them. This encompasses changing the frequency, duration, and magnitude of workouts according to one’s genetic makeup.

For instance, those with more endurance ability may prefer endurance activities such as long-distance running at different intensities, while those with high muscle strength may opt for speed and power activities.

A few ways that athletes can apply the findings of their genetic tests are as follows:

1.    Varying Training Routines

It may be wise to introduce training variations, such as tempo runs, interval training, and running uphill, to stimulate different muscle fibers and avoid stagnation. This variety in routine not only makes training more interesting but also guarantees appropriate exercises for all muscle types and an increase in speed.

2.    Nutritional Adjustments

Athletes may consult with geneticists about using genetic information to craft effective eating regimes. It is important to have a balanced intake of macronutrients, such as protein, fats, and carbohydrates, and micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals. For example, if an individual’s genetic analysis indicates a higher requirement for Omega-3 fatty acids, including flaxseed in the daily diet may be beneficial.

3.    Hydration and Meal Timing

Hydration and meal timings are crucial components of training and competition. An athlete’s training can be significantly impacted by consuming adequate water and receiving the proper nutrients in the appropriate ratios at the right time. For instance, taking protein after training can help in repairing muscles in the body.

4.    Monitoring Progress and Adjustments

Tracking an athlete’s performance and recovery rates to modify training and nutrition strategies is crucial. Genetic testing can help in this regard and provide indicators of recovery time based on the injuries sustained. Genetic information can be used to craft effective recovery plans and track improvement.

5.    Working with Coaches and Physiotherapists

Runners should consult with their trainers to formulate training regimes that incorporate their genetic information. A physiotherapist can recommend measures to prevent injury and facilitate fast and efficient rehabilitation. To find a physiotherapist, simply search “physiotherapy near me” on your browser to find the nearest professional who can assist you.


It can be hard to overcome running plateaus since general recommendations may not work for specific individuals. Genetic profiling is highly beneficial to trainers, nutritionists, and other coaches who may devise training, nutrition, and recovery regimens based on the athletes’ specific genetic makeup. With the comprehensive understanding gained from genetic tools like GENEFIT, athletes are able to transcend barriers, improve their training, and maximize their ability to run and accomplish running objectives.