
Helpful Study Tips for Online Nursing Students

How wonderful is it to be able to study from virtually anywhere in the world? There’s no doubt that being able to study nursing online has its perks, but there are also a few challenges that come with this opportunity.

For example, you get to study at your own pace, but this also means you need to be disciplined in order to keep your studies on track. If you struggle with passing certain subjects purely because you weren’t managing your time well, then there’s no one else to blame but yourself.

So, for anyone who has chosen to study nursing online, here are some tips to take to heart in order to help you improve your online study skills.

Why Study Nursing Online?

We all know there are career benefits to furthering your studies, but life can get in the way of being able to do that. Most people trying to earn their post-graduate degrees are already working professionals and may also have kids, families, and other responsibilities. Not everyone can drop what they’re doing and study – especially in a demanding career like nursing.

This is where studying online is the best option. It gives you the flexibility to help you balance your work life, personal life, and studies. So, if you want to further your career or change careers altogether, studying nursing online is the way to go.

Tips for Studying Nursing Online

In order to make the best of your time studying nursing online, you’ve got to set yourself up for success. Here are some helpful tips to do just that:

Tip #1 Take Student Assessments

It has become clear that all students learn differently. So, when you’re studying online, this is the perfect time to make the effort to understand how you can best learn.


To do this, try taking a diagnostic student assessment. This will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, as well as which learning style is going to help you learn best.

Tip #2 Set Good Boundaries

When going off to a traditional university, you’ll have to set boundaries for your social life and school. When you’re studying online, your personal life continues as usual, so it may be more challenging to set boundaries and focus on your studies, especially if you have kids of your own.

But while you need to focus on your studies, you also can’t let them rule your life. Make time for your loved ones and activities you enjoy by setting up good boundaries so you’ll have time for studies and time for life.

Tip #3 Be Organised

Studying something like a graduate certificate in nursing online means you’ll need to be prepared to navigate various study materials with little contact with your professors and fellow students. It also means you need to be self-disciplined, and the best way to stay on track with your studies is to be as organised as possible. To be organised when studying online, you’ll need to try:

  • Make a note of and set reminders of deadlines for your assignments, papers and exams
  • Dedicate a quiet space to where you will study
  • Keep your desk and study space clean and clutter-free (including your desktop)
  • Organise your study material into specific folders
  • Establish a studying routine by scheduling your time
  • Create a support system by contacting fellow students, your lecturers, and loved ones so you don’t isolate yourself
  • Make it a habit to backup your devices to external hard drives and clouds so you never lose your data

Tip #4 Manage Your Time

If you want to get the best results while studying, you need to optimise your time-management skills. Managing your time without in-person instruction is one of the biggest challenges online students face.


When life gets busy, and you don’t have someone consistently reminding you about deadlines, it’s easy to drop a few balls. This is where it helps to set designated study times to ensure you’re dedicating a portion of your day specifically to your studies.

Tip #5 Read Out Loud

When you’re constantly reading study notes, it’s quite easy for some concepts to be misunderstood because you don’t have someone explaining more challenging points. One thing you can do to help is read the content out loud.

Many studies confirm that reading material aloud aids people in processing information into long-term memory. It also helps you to identify any grammatical mistakes in your own papers and assessments, so do yourself a favour and read things out loud as often as you can.

Tip #6 Join a Study Group

Even though studying online can sometimes feel isolating, remember that there are other students studying the same thing as you. So, reach out to your fellow students and create study groups. This way, you can hold each other accountable for your studies, help each other with difficult concepts, and remind each other about important dates and assessments.

Final Thoughts

Studying nursing online makes furthering your education an achievable goal, but it does require you to be dedicated and organised. The sooner you get yourself into the habit of practising these tips, the better you’ll be able to cope with studying online.