
Effective Slipped Disc Treatment Singapore (What You Need to Know)

A slipped disc is also known as a herniated or prolapsed disc. It occurs when the soft cushion of tissue between the bones (vertebrae) in your spine pushes out.

This condition can affect any part of your spine. However, it mostly occurs in the lower back.

You will need the best-slipped disc treatment option in Singapore if diagnosed with a slipped disc. Timely treatment will be key to preventing the condition from worsening and interfering with your daily life.

Is a Slipped Disc Serious?

A slipped disc occurs when the disc’s outer layer tears or weakens to allow the inner jelly-like substance to protrude. When this happens, the disc can press on the nearby nerves and cause not just pain, but also numbness, or even weakness in the muscles which surround the affected area.

A slipped disc is more than just an occasional backache—it can lead to serious complications if left untreated. As explained, the condition can affect nerves surrounding the spinal cord, which can lead to persistent pain, weakness, or numbness in other parts of the body, such as the arms or legs. The seriousness of a slipped disc mostly depends on the location of the herniated disc.

If the disc presses on the sciatic nerve, for instance, it can cause severe pain that radiates down the leg, known as sciatica. In some cases, untreated slipped discs can cause permanent nerve damage.

This damage may lead to loss of sensation or muscle function which can significantly affect your mobility and daily activities. In rare but serious cases, a large slipped disc in the lower back can compress the nerves that control the bladder and bowels.

This may cause incontinence – a condition known as cauda equina syndrome. This condition is a medical emergency that demands immediate attention.

Given the potential complications, it’s best to seek medical advice if you suspect a slipped disc. Early diagnosis and slipped disc treatment in Singapore cannot only prevent the condition from escalating. It can also reduce pain, and improve your overall quality of life.

Can a Slipped Disc Heal on Its Own?

The cost of slipped disc treatment in Singapore especially when surgery is involved is one of the major concerns for those who are diagnosed with this condition. So many patients frequently ask; can a slipped disc heal on its own?


The answer is yes, mild cases of a slipped disc may heal over time with rest and self-care. In some instances, the body can gradually absorb the displaced material to reduce pressure on the nerve and reduce the symptoms. However, this process may take weeks or even months. In fact, not all cases resolve naturally.

There are several factors that will determine whether your case of a slipped disc can heal on its own. Key among these factors includes your age, lifestyle, and the severity of your condition.

Younger individuals or those who maintain an active, healthy lifestyle tend to experience faster recovery. On the contrary, older adults or people with poor posture or sedentary habits tend to struggle to heal without treatment.

While waiting for a slipped disc to heal, you will want to effectively manage the symptoms. Your best next steps may include taking over-the-counter pain medications, avoiding strenuous activities, and engaging in gentle exercises to strengthen the surrounding muscles.

However, if the pain persists or worsens after a few weeks, you will want to consult a specialist. Early treatment is particularly recommended to prevent complications and ensure that the condition does not interfere with your long-term health.

What are Effective Slipped Disc Treatment Options in Singapore?

If you’re seeking treatment for a slipped disc, there are several approaches you can benefit from depending on the severity of your condition. Here is a summary of the options for slipped disc treatment in Singapore that may be recommended for you;

  • Conservative Treatments

In many cases, doctors start with conservative treatments to manage pain and allow the disc to heal. Rest is crucial, but too much rest can lead to stiffness and muscle weakening.

That said, you will be advised to limit but not completely avoid movement. Pain relief methods like over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications, hot/cold therapy, and physical therapy may also be recommended to help manage the symptoms.

  • Non-Surgical Treatments

If you’re dealing with a more severe case, you may be recommended non-surgical treatments like epidural steroid injections. These injections can reduce inflammation around the affected nerve and provide relief from pain.

Chiropractic care and spinal manipulation may also help. However, you should only pursue these options carefully under the supervision of a qualified professional.

  • Surgery

When conservative treatments fail or when the condition causes severe symptoms such as loss of bladder control or extreme pain, you may need surgery as part of the plan for your slipped disc treatment in Singapore. One of the procedures you may be recommended is microdiscectomy which is a minimally invasive procedure for slipped discs.

It is one of the most common surgeries for slipped discs. During this procedure, your surgeon will remove the portion of the disc that is pressing on the nerve to manage the condition.

Another surgical option is a laminectomy. This procedure involves the removal of a small part of the vertebra to reduce pressure on the nerve.


Please note that not all patients with a slipped disc will require surgery. Your doctor will carefully assess your symptoms and recommend the best course of action based on your specific needs.

How do I stop my Disc from Slipping?

While there are several options for slipped disc treatment in Singapore, it does help to take steps to prevent your disc from slipping. To stop your disc from slipping, your best bet will be to maintain proper spinal health.

This isn’t as complicated as it may seem. It can be achieved through regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and being mindful of your posture during daily activities.

You will also want to stick to proper lifting techniques like bending the knees rather than the waist to reduce stress on the spine. What’s more, you may want to do more core-strengthening exercises to provide better support for your spine and reduce the likelihood of injury.

The Bottom Line

Slipped discs can significantly impact your quality of life. However, with timely diagnosis and treatment, you have the best chances of regaining control of your health. When choosing a specialist, you’ll want to seek out a spine specialist or neurosurgeon with expertise in both conservative and surgical treatments for slipped discs.

Do you suffer from persistent back pain or a slipped disc? Consult our expert neurosurgeon today for thorough assessments and a personalized, effective treatment if necessary. Call or visit us at;

CHOU Neurosurgery Clinic (Farrer Park) – Brain & Spine Specialist Singapore

1 Farrer Park Station Rd,

#08-06, Singapore 217562

+65 6694 7942