
5 Tips For Starting Mindfulness As A Beginner

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by all of life’s hustle and bustle? Are you one who wants to find a place of peace, a moment to quiet the mind amidst life’s cacophony? Mindfulness is one of the ancient pathways to peace and self-awareness. How does one embark on quieting the mind?

Understanding Mindfulness: What It Is and Why It Matters

Understanding mindfulness starts with a single question: What does it mean to be right here, right now? Mindfulness is the ability to focus your attention on this moment, free of judgment. Why does this matter? Because it has the outcomes of reducing stress, better focusing, and emotional well-being. It is much more than meditation, breath work, or a psychedelic retreat from Spinoza. It is a holistic approach.

Creating a Mindful Environment: Setting Up Your Space

First, ask yourself this: What in your environment makes you feel calm and focused?


Clear out space from distractions and create some calm elements, such as plants or soft lighting. Did you consider scents that relax you, like lavender or chamomile, to achieve mindfulness? Arrange your space to have an area of comfort. Finally, could there be a means of reducing noise with noise-canceling headphones or perhaps some kind of white noise machine to maintain peace?

Simple Mindfulness Exercises to Get Started

Why not start with some simple breathing as an exercise? Just focus on your breath, breathe deeply through your nose, and exhale slowly out of your body through your mouth. Can you feel that tension drain out of you? Try a walking meditation: as you step, notice with every step the sensation of your feet touching down upon the ground and, in this movement, a rhythm. Have you ever tasted your food? Practice mindful eating by relishing every bite for its flavors and textures.

Incorporating Mindfulness into Daily Routines

Start with a question: “How might I bring mindfulness into my morning routine?”


The next step may be to start each day by taking just a few minutes to breathe mindfully or meditate. While you are brushing your teeth, riding on the bus, etc., ask, “Am I present at this moment?” See if you are able to focus on the sensations and experiences without judgment. At night, before you go to sleep, reflect on your day with thanks: “What am I grateful for today?”

Overcoming Common Challenges and Staying Consistent

Can’t seem to quiet your mind while meditating? Remind yourself that this is normal, and gently redirect your attention back to your breath. You may be surprised to realize you can practice in small increments, like when you’re savoring your morning coffee. Remember, mindfulness is not a sprint but a journey, and development comes with time. How do you stay motivated?