
10 Actionable Tips to Deal with Chronic Eating Disorder

Eating disorders are marked by disruptions in eating habits and, in intense cases, may lead to death. A serious approach is necessary to effectively manage the difficult and continuous process of treating a chronic eating disorder. It often demands medical, nutritional, and psychological intervention to address the condition’s emotional and physical components.

Developing workable strategies that assist your road to recovery is crucial if you are battling an eating disorder. This blog post aims to provide you with tips to help you manage your intake disorder.

What are Eating Disorders?

Abnormal eating behaviors, emotions, and thoughts are hallmarks of disordered eating. They may have detrimental effects on one’s physical, social, and psychological well-being. Bulimia nervosa, and anorexia nervosa are common varieties.

Meta-analyses across various studies have shown that the standardized mortality ratio for anorexia nervosa ranges between 5 and 6 per 1000 person-years. In contrast, bulimia nervosa and unspecified eating disorders, like binge intake disorder, both exhibit a mortality ratio of 1.9. Moreover, approximately one in ten individuals with bulimia who engage in self-induced vomiting undergo painful swelling in the face and cheeks.

Sufferers from this disorder often severely restrict intake, driven by an intense fear of gaining weight from a distorted body image. These actions can have harmful consequences on one’s overall health. Symptoms like anxiety and depression are common. Other complexities include malnutrition, cardiovascular disease, and gastrointestinal disorders.

Tips to Deal With Your Chronic Eating Disorder

Let’s take a quick look at seven key tips to help you overcome your disordered eating.

1. Avoid Triggers

Recognize and stay away from circumstances or triggers that lead to unhealthy eating patterns. This could be cutting out binge food from the house, unfollowing specific social media accounts, or altering bad habits.

2. Focus on Nutrition, Not Dieting

Put more emphasis on feeding your body than on dieting. Stress the value of eating a balanced diet and how it impacts your physical and emotional health. A study published in the International Journal of Surgery found that restrictive diets worsen eating disorders and cause nutritional deficiencies.

3. Engage in Physical Activity and Mental Wellness

Incorporate physical activities that promote well-being without focusing on weight loss. Activities like yoga, walking, or dancing can improve mood and body image without triggering disordered eating behaviors.


The stress and anxiety that often accompany eating disorders can be managed through mindfulness techniques like meditation and deep breathing. Mindfulness lowers your desire to binge eat, according to experts. This practice can also help improve emotional regulation. Ask your therapist to assist you in practicing it correctly.

4. Educate Yourself

Understanding inspires hope. Learn as much as you can about your eating disorder, its consequences, and how to recover. A thorough knowledge of your illness can help you create useful coping mechanisms.

Speak with a qualified healthcare professional. For instance, having completed MSN programs, advanced nursing practitioners are adept at interdisciplinary collaboration. They collaborate closely to develop and implement comprehensive care plans with therapists, dietitians, and other healthcare providers. Their holistic approach to health would ensure all aspects are addressed.

5. Structured Meal Plans and Therapies

Create a meal plan with the assistance of a registered dietitian to make sure you are getting the nutrients you need. Meal plans that follow a set format aid in reestablishing regular eating habits and lowering food anxiety. Also, consult with doctors, nurses, dietitians, and therapists with expertise in eating disorders. Eating disorders can be effectively treated with cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and the main aim should be to lower relapse rates.

According to Cleveland State University, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners can conduct thorough assessments of your mental health. They can help you grasp the complex interplay between physical symptoms and psychological factors in your condition.

6. Build a Support Network

Be in the company of encouraging friends and family. Whether in-person or virtual, joining support groups can foster a feeling of understanding and community. These groups provide a secure setting for exchanging tactics and real-life experiences.

7. Be Patient and Compassionate with Yourself

These disorders typically emerge during adolescence or early adulthood and impact both genders. However, a recent study emphasizes that they are more frequently diagnosed in young adult women.


If you fall under the category of sufferers, expect a curve line of recovery. Setbacks are inevitable, and that is okay. Remind yourself that progress takes time, and be kind to yourself. Go at your own pace.

Frequently Asked Questions

What early indicators point to an eating disorder?

Weight fluctuations, obsession with food, dieting, body image concerns, and meal avoidance are early indicators of an eating disorder. Other signs can be withdrawal from social activities and refraining from eating in public. Emotional indicators such as irritability and feelings of worthlessness are also notable.

How can I help someone close to me who suffers from an eating disorder?

Since recovery can be a protracted process, it is imperative to exercise patience and offer steady support. Approach their suffering with understanding and care. Avoid focusing discussions around weight or body image, as these can be particularly sensitive topics for someone. Instead, encourage the person to enjoy nutritionally balanced meals.

Are eating disorders completely curable?

While some people recover completely from bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa, others might face persistent difficulties. Recovery from eating disorders can be a long-term process and may not be linear. Treatment typically involves a multidisciplinary approach, like psychological therapy, medical monitoring, and nutritional counseling.

What online resources are available to support people with eating disorders?

Plenty of internet resources are available, like the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) and the Academy for Eating Disorders (AED). These organizations provide recovery suggestions, resources, and guiding networks. Another key resource is ANAD (National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders). Its helpline is an essential component for treatment referrals.

In short, it takes a combination of self-care strategies, professional support, and a strong network to manage chronic eating disorders. On the right path, recovery isn’t just possible; it’s achievable.